

Outfit of the day

Today is a busy day for me, hence my being all dressed up this early. First my boyfriend and I are off to his sisters to do our laundry(what were doing right now), then off to my dads for my birthday lunch(my bday is next week, but I won't get to see him before then). After that my boyfriend and I are off to see "The Avengers" and then out for dinner and to watch the Mayweathet and Cotto fight(boxing). What a busy day huh?!

My outfit...

Jeans: garage
T-shirt: garage (old)
Blazer: smart set (old)
Shoes: aldo

Purple on lid
Medium green on crease
Light pale green above
NYX liquid eyeliner

Rimmel Lily Extase (see previous April Favourites post)

Talk to you lovelies again soon!!!!



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