

Outfit of the day

First off just wanted to say thanks to those of you who checked out my last post and for the bday wishes!!! Love you all!!!
I had a work meeting yesterday and really wanted to wear my new top, but needed a blazer to go over it. I've had my black blazer for like ever, but hardly wear because it's much too big. All of this time I have been meaning to adjust it to my size, but I am just so lazy. Having nothing else to wear I had no choice but to finally adjust it and make it fit.....

Blouse: Rickis
Trouser jeans: Rickis
Blazer: H&M
Watch: bday gift from my boyfriend
Wedges: Aldo

Hope you all have a great day!!!

Follow me:
Twitter: @annpaige
Instagram: @annpaigefashion



  1. Love your outfit and blog! Lots of love! :* Following you.

  2. That top is just so cute! Thankyou for commenting on my blog, I am following you back now :) xox



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