

Workout & be casual

With today being Victoria Day here in Canada, both my boyfriend and I had the day off. We got to sleep in, have breakfast together and work out together as well. After we worked out we decided to go for a run. We wan about 4km and now my legs hurt lots. We need to start running more an with the warmer weather here now we can. YAY!!!!

What I wore for my run:
Black mandarin top: Titika (www.titika.ca)
Workout shorts: lululemon
Shoes: Nike

What I am wearing now to relax and be comfy:
Hoodie: Titika
Workout top: Titika
Yoga pants: Athletes World
Pouch: guess
And my black fluffy slippers

Hope you all had or are having a great day!!

Please show some extra love and follow me!!!

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Twitter: @annpaige
Instagram: @annpaige_

Love you all!!!



  1. Running is healthy good job!
    I saw on my calendar written Victoria Day, I didn't get it at the beginning, 'cuz here in US everybody works!

    xoxo Dia!


    1. Thanks, although I'm in pain I still feel good about it lol.
      Everything is closed here, except for tourist spots and movie theaters. We also have fireworks too!!

  2. your beautifull babe!
    great eyes

    New outfit post - Sun is up

  3. good job!! i have to start doing some sports again..

  4. Looking so fab in your workout outfit, darling!
    Enjoy your day, my dear.

  5. you look amazing.

    From Paris with love!
    Kristina recently posted... Mac Hey, Sailor!.


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