

Ombré nails: white and green

Hello lovelies,

So my nail polish started chipping away and needed a big pick me up. Since I have some time off from work (and my nails won't get ruined) this week I thought why not try something new. I really was just going to paint them white and then I saw some ombré nail designs on YouTube. I looked through my nail colours and thought what I have not used in a while GREEN. Here is what I came out with a well as the products I used.

What you need:

Clear/base coat
2 colours in the same family one dark one light
Cotton swabs and
nail polish remover

Step1: apply clear/base coat to protect an prime your nails- I used Sally Hansen Xtreme wear in 100 invisible

Step2: apply white nail polish - I used NYC 134 French white tip (had to apply like 3 coats because it is so thin)

Step3: paint the bright green onto a small sponge and dab onto nails 1/2 way down

Step4: paint darker shimmery green onto sponge and dab onto the tip of your nail covering any spots left from the brighter green

Step4: before everything dries apply your clear coat to blend and smooth out your ombré design

Step5: remove any excess nail polish on the skin and cuticles with cotton swabs

You are done!!!

I hope you all enjoyed this post, I love my ombré nails!!! Also let me know in the comments if you want to see more posts like this and PLEASE answer my new BLOG POLL on the top right of the page. I really want to start blogging more often again and I have so many ideas but really need your helping putting them all together. Thx!!!

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  1. lovely color! Come check out my blog maybe we can follow each other :) http://marschristie.blogspot.com/

    1. Thank you!!! Will for sure check out yours!!!


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