

Product Review: Bleach

Hello lovelies,

I have been wanting my hair to be a lighter blonde for a little while now and it was root touch up time so I decided to try a new product.
L'Oreal Feria
Extra Bleach Blonding
Intense 1 step Lightening System colour 205

If you have dark brown - black hair I would not use this product, go to Sally's and buy each product needed separately.

The box came with two packages of lightening powder, 20V creme developer, one bottle of shimmering oil and conditioner to rinse everything out.

Because the box only came with a 20V I had to use my own 30V knowing that the 20V wouldn't work.

I mixed the two bleach packages with the creme developer and added the whole bottle of the oil and mixed everything together. Because my roots were dark I started to apply the bleach to my roots first and left it for 40 min and then applied to the rest of my head for 30min, with a total of 70min. I waited until my hair was a pale yellow without leaving it on for too long.

After bleaching I toned my hair with wella colorcharm T18 and it got rid of most of the yellow tones. Now once a week I am using my purple shampoo to gradually lighten my colour more to a lighter platinum colour. I am currently using Light Blue Shade purple shampoo from my drugstore, but have run out and I am going to start using Clairol Shimmer lights.
(pictures were taken before using purple shampoo, so my hair looks more platinum now than in these pictures)

Overall a good product if your hair is a dark blonde to light/medium brown because the 20V wont lift your hair enough if it is a darker colour.
For my next root touch up instead of using this product I am just going to buy bleach and more developer and use that instead, because its much cheaper in the long run.

I hope you all enjoyed this review and that it was helpful for anyone trying to lighten their blonde hair or to go blonde.

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  1. great review. you look so lovely! i have a new post up if you want to take a look!

    your new follower, eimear x


  2. wow :) new hair :) more pics please <3 lot of love E, http://letsdothecatwalkladies.blogspot.com/

    1. Thank you<3 I will post more in my next outfit post in a couple of days!!!

  3. I love your new hair color :-)


  4. I don't dye my hair, but you look stunning!!


    xoxo, Kaari

  5. Great review and your hair looks gorgeous!!

    1. merci beaucoup!!! (trying to be different with my responses ha..ha..)

  6. love blonde hair!
    you rock

    New outfit post on my blog ;

  7. The results are great, how damaged was your hair post bleach?
    Material Fixations

    1. Thanks!!!
      I have been pretty blessed. Although my hair is quite thin and fine, through out my whole blonde process my hair has never been damaged. Aside from that I try not to wash my hair that often maybe twice a week and my hair is not oily or greasy so I don't need to wash my hair often, unless I have used hair spray or mousse. I do also use really thick conditioners and I leave them in my hair for almost 10 minutes every time I wash my hair. I use the Organix brand and I try to mix up which ones I use.

  8. your hair looks so good! followed you in gfc, hope you can follow back! http://xxxloveisbeautyxxx.blogspot.ie/

  9. Thanks!!! For sure gonna check you out too!!!

  10. Pretty hair :)
    ~ follow each ~


  11. Wow that blonde hair gave you a completely different look. A bombshell look.


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