

Lippies Collection

Hello lovelies,

I swear I'm not a hoarder, but I never realized how many lip products I have and to be honest I hardly use half of them. With that being said I still don't think I could or would ever part with any of them. Who knows when an occasion or outfit may arise that you need that one specific lip colour. To some my collection may seem like a lot and to others, it may not. I don't have a huge makeup collection by any means, but my lip products for sure out weigh the rest. I am not bragging in this post by any means, I just thought that some may be interested in seeing what I have, as I rather enjoy reading and watching these types of blogs/videos.

So with out further adieu, here is my lippie collection....


(left to right)
NYX Matte Lipstick
Summer breeze MLS06
502A dark pink frost

(one of the sticks was missing in the picture above, I actually have six)

All from my favourite moisture renew collection:
930 Bronze Goddess
600 Soft Coral
620 Coral Queen
700 Nude delight
180 Vintage pink
340 Lily Extase


Viva Glam (frost)
Snob (satin)
Lip gloss/Lip Glass

duo: night rose
Lac Lustre
- sentimental
Lip glass
- love child
- wee coquette


19 pink aplenty
07 soooo pink
16 double plum
13 lucious lilac (mind you it looks pink to me)


Covergirl lip stain - red 507
Hard Candy plexi gloss - Genie
Urban decay lip junkie - Naked
Victoria Secret - Strawberry fizz, nilla fudge(I didn't swatch these two because they show up clear)
Sephora - Rosy glow, bronzed beauty
Laura Mercier - Sparkling
Bobbi Brown - 2 Pink glitter


Lip Glaze
- jack frost
- jingle
- holly
- splendor
- jolly
- joy
- sugar plum
- black cherry

Lip Liners:
I don't really use lip liners, so I don't really have any. I know I should use them more, I'm working on it...
(I didn't swatch these)
839 dolly pink
(didn't have names, they came in a palette)
red, brown

Lip Balms
baby lips - peach kiss
rose tinted balm
Lip Smackers
cotton candy, dr.pepper

What are your favourite lip products/brands? Comment below!!!

There is still time to enter my rimmel and generation know giveaway!!!
giveaway details

For more fashion and beauty updates follow me on twitter @annpaige and check me out on facebook

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!!



  1. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!

    1. Thanks. I hope you'll stick around for more!!!

  2. Oh my! You have a very healthy amount of lip products - I love it! I say you can never have too many :) there are some gorgeous shades you've got here, I just can't decide my favourites! I applaud you on your collection! Love it xx

    1. Thanks. I dor sure want to get some more lipsticks though, cause I mostly have glosses.

  3. You can never have too much make up! I always think saving it is a good idea because like you said, you never know when you'll need certain colours :)

  4. Wow your lippie collection is really huge! I spotted some really pretty shades as well :)

    Kisses from Singapore
    ♡ Jaslin from www.justjaslin.com

  5. ooooo those Stila lip glazes look good from here!! <3

  6. Such amazing shades!! I love pink lips!

    1. Me too. I'm also starting to get more into nudes and corals this spring!!


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