

Spring Must Have #1 & Review

Hello lovelies,

Spring has officially sprung where I live (if you couldn't already tell from a few of my previous posts), so I thought it would be fitting to share my Spring must haves with you all. Each week I will share a new beauty/clothing item/trend with you and if I have time I will try to post twice a week.

My first must have item for Spring and Summer too (it may seem a bit weird, but we all have, need and use one this time of year) is my razor. Let's face it, being girls and living through Winter with all of our layers, shaving our legs just isn't always very important. I mean I never find myself in a skirt or dress without stockings, unless it is Spring or Summer. With that being said I cannot live without my razor during the warmer months, I love getting to wear cute shorts/skirts and dresses and I want to show off my legs while doing so.

The razor I am currently using and loving is my Schick Intuition razor. I just recently got sent this limited edition pink polka dot razor from Schick and Vervegirl and it is soOo freakin' cute!!!!! (It also comes with the shower holder, a huge plus for me!)

This is the only razor that I'm not afraid of cutting myself while shaving my legs. The cartridges have a skin conditioning solid built around them, that eases around every crevis making it so easy to get around my knees. Can I also say that the cartridges smell AMAZING!!! My favourites are the coconut milk & almond oil and pomegranate, they smell exactly like their scents and all of them leave my legs feeling extremely soft and smooth. Because the Schick Intuition razor has the skin conditioning solid, you don't have to use shave gel, because it lathers when wet. I hate using shave gel, a bunch of them irritate my skin and it also takes up so much time. Another reason why I love this razor, it's perfect for when you're in a rush or for those of you like me who are just lazy and/or have sensitive skin.

Another great thing that I have always loved about Schick razors in general is how long lasting the shave is. I can go at least 4 days minimum before I see any stuble on my legs, unlike others where you can see hair the next day.

What are some of your Spring must haves???
Stay tuned for my next Spring Must Have post!!

To stay updated on everything annpaige and to also see the things I don't share on my blog follow me on Social media!!!!

Twitter: @annpaige
Facebook: Annpaige

I hope you all have an amazing night!!!



  1. Nice!! :)


  2. I love the intuition razors! The only one I'll use :)

  3. this looks cool!!love it. if you get a chance, I'd love to hear what you think of my latest post!



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