

Living on the edge (200th post!!!)

Hello lovelies,

I have finally reached my 200th post!!!!

I am so grateful for all of you and as cliché as it sounds, I wouldn't be blogging if it weren't for you!
I know I don't have hundreds of followers and that's not why I started my blog. I started my blog, because I love writing. I love fashion and make-up and sharing my looks and ideas with all of you and anyone who happens to stumble on my blog. I love reading other blogs and getting the chance to connect with people all over the world!!!

For my 200th post I thought it would only be fitting to do an outfit of the day for you all, so here it is....

Tee: H&M - men's t-shirt (I stole it from my boyfriend, when he wasn't looking :| he..he..)
Jeans: Garage
Flats: Ardene
Necklace: Rickis
Braceletes: H&M
Sunnies: Dolce & Gabbana
Purse: Guess

I have been loving wearing my distressed denim with tee's and girly-ing it up with make-up and accessories or heals lately.
I have also really been obsessed with my sunnies that I bought while on vacation in New Jersey/New York.

What look/style are you loving right now?!?!

If you have any requests on posts that you would like to see related to fashion or makeup leave them in a comment below!!!!
If you are Canadian and have not yet entered my Giveaway, click on the link here - Giveaway - and enter to win goodies from Hawaiian Tropic and a $50 visa gift card!!!!

The deadline to leave your review on the Schick razors from my last giveaway is coming soon, so be sure to leave your review so you can be entered to win Part 2!!!

Some exciting news, I can now leave the house without my splint on my wrist!!!!
If any of you are wondering the surgery went really well, it has been two months post. I was bandaged up for a month, then I had a splint for a month. I still wear my splint, but only at work, or if I am in big crowds. My wrist is still really stiff and also tender near the incisions, but it is healing really well. I start therapy in a couple of days and I am both nervous and excited!!!!

Until my next post....

I hope you all have an amazing day/night!!!



  1. Relaxed and chic - love the distressed denim!

  2. Cute outfit! & nice to hear you're doing good!

  3. Nice OOTD :) i like your style!
    Also i hope you have a speedy recovery

    P.S. I'm so excited for what is in store for us vreps in the fall. Hopefully i'll get to meet you and the others if there's any events.. the events have been pretty amazing so far :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!!<3
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