

Schick Giveaway Winners

Hello lovelies,

Part one of the giveaway is over!!!

The 10 winners for the Schick Hydro Silk razor review are....

Giveaway Winners

1. Jonnie B
2. Andrea Amy
3. Cathy K
4. Brenda Penton
5. Areta
6. Sydney Bows
7. Rachel Brant
8. Sarah Wilson
9. Glogirl
10. E Momma

If you see your name above please make sure you check your email (and junk mail, as some have told my email went straight to junk) for details on how to get your razors and enter into the second part to win the $50 Visa gift card!!!!!

Congratulations ladies!!!!!



  1. Congrats to all the winners!!

    P.S. i have checked my spam & inbox, but i didn't get an e-mail from you, should i e-mail you from the address i left in the comment box for the contest? Please let me know what info you need from me, thanks

    -E Momma

    1. Yes please!!!! You can email me your info at annpaigefashion(@)yahoo(.)ca

    2. Okie dokes, i did ^_^

      -E Momma

  2. Where am I supposed to leave my review? It says to leave it on your blog, on a review page? Where is that? The slip of paper I received with the razor on July 30 says my review needs to be in by July 31 and I would like to submit it, but can't for the life of me find WHERE to do that? Thanks for your help.

    andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com

  3. I'm a little disapointed, i wish i could have left a review.. but i didn't recieve my prize :(

    Any idea what happened? I would still love to try it out

    Thanks Melanie!

    1. Hi Rachel,

      I'm really sorry that you did not yet receive your package. I emailed the company today, to send your package again. I am choosing the winner today and I will still put you in the draw


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