

How to Survive the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Hello lovelies,

The news is out!! If you do not follow me on social media, then you may not yet know that.....I am pregnant! This is my second pregnancy and this time around we are expecting twins!!! We both feel so blessed and we are overjoyed to grow our little family. And, of course our little girl is totally stoked to be a big sister!

Finding out that you are pregnant can leave you with a whirlwind of emotions, add pregnancy symptoms and not fitting into your clothes on top of that and it can be quite a challenge to manage. Having been through this once before, I am grateful for the tips and tricks that I had learned and been able to implement into my everyday life this time around. With that said, I am here to share with you all of my tips on how to survive the first trimester of pregnancy. Because, we never receive enough advice while pregnant, right?

Tip #1 
Sharing the news

This is a sensitive and tricky one to manage, as it can be so hard not to want to tell everyone. If you tell people, are they accidentally going to slip and tell others? Are you going to slip and tell people? Also, how long is that teeny tiny bump going to stay teeny tiny?

Having a careful conversation with your partner on who and when to tell is a definite must, as soon as possible. You may both have different ideas on who should be the first to know, however having that initial conversation will make it so much easier to respect each others wishes.

Tip #2
Dealing with Nausea 

Every woman and every pregnancy is different. With my first, all I really experienced was motion sickness vs. full blown nausea. I had a few days that I took my prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach and quickly learned my lesson not to do that ever again. However, with this pregnancy it has not been the same. Yes, a multiple pregnancy is accompanied by the symptoms of double the hormones, but no one ever knows what that really means. To combat nausea, I keep water on my night stand and ensure that I eat within a half hour of waking up; crackers are a perfect small snack to devour before breakfast and in between meals. 
Mints!! I have mints in my purse and sitting on my counter at home, as they always help when either motion sickness kicks in, or for just nausea in general. Anytime I feel a little motion sickness on transit or in the car, I always pop a mint or two to help it pass for a little while. They are also great for getting rid of pesky after tastes that can bring up nausea after a meal.

Tip #3
Fitting an ever changing waistline

Depending on your body frame you may show quickly, or if you have a longer torso or are carrying further in your back, you may not show as early. Either way, a tighter waistline is inevitable. Do not, I repeat DO NOT think that you have to live in leggings, because there are so many options available now to help you look and feel great. With my first everyone recommended I get a Bella Band and it totally does the trick for helping you fit into your favourite jeans without having to zip them up! Comfy pants also work wonders, especially loose joggers. 
For tops, I typically stick to longer tanks and looser fitting tops, especially if you haven't shared your joyful news yet.

Tip #4

Face First

Restless nights and all day nausea got me looking like a Walking Dead extra, but no one needs to know how I really look! ;)
A good BB cream, concealer and luminizer = my trick to glowing skin!
I mix my favourite concealer and luminizer together for a luminescent glow and top it off with a moisturizing BB cream to give my skin life and hydration, so no one has to know that I did not "wake up like this".

My EOS lip blam, Batiste dry shampoo and of course  prenatal vitamins are all essentials that I cannot live without while pregnant and recommend that all pregnant women have!!

Stretch Marks? No, thank you!
To prevent stretch marks (hopefully) and also alleviate itchy, dry skin, I use a combination of Vaseline Radiance coco butter moisturizer and Shoosha Stretch Mark Oil. I start by putting the moisturizer all over my upper half, including my butt and hips (because yes, your skin will also stretch there too) and then I layer on my oil.
Using both seriously and truly eliminates the mid day tummy itch and keeps my skin feeling supple all day long. I do this routine twice a day; once in the morning after I wake up and then in the evening before bed. I used this same routine with my first pregnancy and thankfully never got a single stretch mark (here's hoping this round will end in the same results ;)) 

Tip #5
Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated during pregnancy helps your body on so many levels. Getting enough fluids, helps your skin retain moisture (keeping stretch mark prevention on top of mind), and helps to flush out everyday toxins. Sometimes feeling lightheaded and nauseous can also mean that you are not getting enough fluids. I always have a water bottle with me and I usually end up refilling it about 4-5 times a day while I am at work. 

Tip #6
Write it Down

Get a pregnancy journal! I had one with my first and I bought one for this pregnancy as well. Having a pregnancy journal is a great way to keep memories because we all know how forgetful we can be (especially while pregnant). Being able to jot down important notes along the way, like when you first felt your baby kick or when you feeling your first bay hiccups. All are amazing memories and they are great to share with your little one when they are older. A pregnancy journal is also an excellent way to stay organized, as they typically include appointment reminders, baby shower guest lists and how to organize your thank your cards. A definite must have and the one I use is What to Expect When You're Expecting organizer and you can get it at online or in-store at Chapters/Indigo.

I hope that this post has been helpful, as I wish I had come across similar advice while pregnant with my first. If you have some of your own favourite tips that have helped you along your journey, share them below! And, if you too are expecting comment below and let's share in our joy together :)!

Stay tuned for my next post which will include some of my favourite Fall maternity looks, that I will be strutting this season! Let me know your favourite trends for the season and I will try to include them.

As always thank you for reading and until next time...



  1. This is such a great list of tips! And congratulations on expecting twins! So fun!

  2. Congrats on twins! How exciting! These are great tips for surviving that first trimester. It was definitely the hardest for me. I'm so glad I wrote things down so I could remember, because now it seems like it was so long ago. I hope you have a smooth pregnancy!

  3. The information you have posted is very useful. The sites you have referred was good. Thanks for sharing. stretch mark cream while pregnant


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