

Lighter blonde (please help!!!)

Dye I used: L'Oreal Excellence Creme AA01 ultra light ash blonde
Plus I used my own developer instead of what the box came with - ion sensitive scalp 30 volume developer

I decided to dye my hair again to make it a lighter shade of blonde. It didn't turn out as light as I wanted but I'm still pretty happy and I love the natural highlights it gave me. I took a bunch of pics in my bathroom but the lighting sucks so it made my hair look darker.
Although I love the colour I don't like my roots, they look kind of orange. Anyone have any tips how to prevent and get rid of orange roots? I already use purple shampoo but it doesn't completely get rid of the orange. PLEASE HELP!!!!


  1. Your hair looks beautiful! Nice color.
    I love your blog, please check out my blog at www.monicakwok.com.


  2. Your hair color is gorgeous. Love it. I don't know what it is about the roots but every time I dye my hair it always turns out orange near the roots also. I just let it grow out. Never figured how to get rid of it.

    I have a question, what do you use purple shampoo for? I have never heard of it.

    And love your nail color in your previous post. I just bought Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro in Violet Metal. LOVE it also. Love Rimmel nail polish.

    Love this post so new follower.

    1. Thanks!!!!
      Purple shampoo is for blonde/grey/silver hair, it's mean to tone and neutralize brassiness. I use it once a week and afterwards you have to also use a purple conditioner or a moisturizing reconstructive conditioner.

  3. You have to use a toner to get rid of the orange, you can buy it at the hairdressers.


    1. I'm nervous that it's going to change the whole colour....

  4. Aw I think your new colour turned out very well! I stay away from purple shampoos because they make my hair look really platinum and I like having a bit of gold undertones. I think with time the orange will tone down as you wash it and will look more natural :) x

    1. Thanks for the tip, I hope it goes down. I haven't washed it yet with shampoo since I just dyed it and I'm gonna wait to purple shampoo it for a week maybe. We shall see what it looks like tomorrow!!!
      Thanks again!!!<3

  5. sorry I have no idea!! wish I could help, but the color looks great!!


    1. Awww it's okay lol!!! And thanks for the comment<3

  6. oh wow it looks beautifull the color
    SO beautifull

    new outfit post - love me pastel love me sweet

    1. Thanks!!!! Do you know how to get rid of orange?


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