

Hair heaven; holy grail hair products

Hello lovelies, Having dyed platinum hair and not to mention thin/fine hair, it ishard to find products that work for me. My hair is quite fine and using heavy products can really weigh my hair down. Two of my current holy grail hair products are: got2b rockin' it encore fresh dry shampoo - I love this dry shampoo. I have never had greasy or oily hair, I typically wash my hair at most 2 times a week and this really helps me. I admit that I don't really like the smell, but it goes away after about 30 min and the smell definitely makes up for how great this product works. I use this product usually twice a week and spray it on my roots, rub it in then brush my hair and it feels so soft like I just washed it.
fructis color sheild double care leave in conditioner - I typically use this after I shower and my hair is still wet and it helps to detangle when combing. I also sometimes use it after I spray my dry shampoo. I used to use my fructis sleek and shine argan oil serum religiously, but lately I have found myself running to this product more. It has grape seed and acai and it just makes my hair so soft and silky. When using this product you don't need a lot and that's why I love it. What are your holy grail hair products? On a side note still about hair... The other day my boyfriend and I were at party city and of course I had to try on some wigs. What do you think of my funky hair colours?
I hope you all have a great weekend!!! xoxo annpaige


  1. Hi dear :) I love your blog! Would you like to follow each other?

  2. Love your post!
    And red hair really looks great on you :o


    1. thanks!!! I think if I change my colour again at any point, I'm going red!!

  3. I've been starting to love Garnier products more & more lately! Love those wigs by the way! :) I'm your newest follower -- loving your blog.


    1. I have been using garnier products for years. I love that there are a lot natural ingredients in their products and they don't weigh my hair down. - thanks for the follow hun!!

  4. looks like some interesting products and you are looking so cute in those wigs ;)

    xx rae

  5. Love those wigs :)


    1. they're so fun, I always love trying on wigs!!

  6. Thanks, will for sure check you out!!!


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