

Versatile Blogger Award

Hello lovelies,

Thank to the sweet and gorgeous Ewe at "...Let's do the catwalk, ladies!", I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award. I am so so so excited and happy!!!! Thank you girl!

"To qualify for the Versatile Blogger Award you must follow these rules :
1. Thank the blogger/s who have nominated you
2. Share 7 random factis about yourself
3. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who you recently discovered or follow regularly
4. Let them know you have nominated them.
5 Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your blog."

So let's get started....

7 random facts about my:

1. Field Hockey is my all time favourite sport to play (I never gave back my stick or uniform from my high school team. Shh... )
2. I love rock music, but I'm also a sucker for country and top 40's
3. The 1970's are my fav. fashion decade
4. I always have to have nail polish on my toenails. I wont leave the house without them painted.
5. I love psychology and reading into other people
6. My fav. fast food is KFC, mmm...
7. My favourite colour is green, but I also really like purple

My 15 nominees..

1. Little miss Andrea - http://little-miss-andrea.blogspot.ca
2. A haute mess - www.ahautemess.ca
3. Big Eyes - http://my-big-eyes.blogspot.ca
4. Lara- http://lilcutie89blog.blogspot.ca
5. http://blondcoffee.blogspot.ca
6. Miranda - http://blondefashiontale.blogspot.ca
7. Kayleigh - http://x-couturegirl-x.blogspot.ca
8. Rachel - http://capturingitaly.blogspot.ca
9. Dash - http://its-dash.blogspot.ca
10. Sammi - http://fashionbarbecue.blogspot.ca
11. Michelle - http://michelle-chic.blogspot.ca
12. Promise - http://followmein5inchheels.blogspot.ca
13. Nadia - http://alwayssummerontheinside.blogspot.ca
14. Marika - http://laviecestchic.blogspot.ca
15. Mom and Son - http://www.momfashionworld.com

Thanks everyone for reading and for your continued support with my blog, I love you all!!!

Follow me:
twitter @annpiage - for daily fashionable tweets
instagram @annpaige_ - for daily makeup and outfit looks not posted here



  1. you're fantastic dear!! thanks for this prize!!! Great kisses for you! Marika

  2. Thank you so much for the award!! I'm honored!


  3. Thank you dear!



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