

New Fall boots

Hello lovelies,

Last week I was at the winners downtown in my city and this winners always has the best designer or non designer selection, what ever you're looking for you can find at this winners. The boots I got we're not designer but oh my gosh I love them. I debated back and forth between this and a cute pair of heels, but in light of the Fall season I opted for the boots.

The brand is Rampage and they are a nice light tan suede. They are so comfy and they were only $39.99. I am so excited to wear them like everyday!!!

What is your current fav pair of Fall boots/shoes?

On a side note, I just wanted to apologize for not responding to your comments right away and seeming almost absent at times. The new blogger interface is so slow and keeps crashing on my iPod. I don't go on my actual computer that often and when I do that's when I post and respond to all of your comments.
Thanks to everyone for your continued to support love you all!!!

Follow me on twitter for daily updates: @annpaige



  1. Those are some great boots!! Love the color too!

  2. I like the bodies.Check out my blog, follow if you like it. x

  3. great boots!
    i follow you now ;) i hope you follow me back because i love your blog!!!
    kisses pretty


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