

A colour filled winter - spring outfit no.1

Hello lovelies,

If any of you have been shopping or have been to your local mall lately you would have noticed all of the beautiful spring styles and colours, on the racks and mannequins. If you live in a place that is currently in the season of winter, than you're probably thinking "I can't wear these clothes, its freezing outside". But fear not, because I am going to show you how to wear these cute new styles and colours now!!!!
Everyday I will be posting a new outfit including accessories and footwear.

Outfit number 1:

Dynamite peplum top  $34.90
- a neutral top is always the best choice and this adorable embroidered peplum top is still a huge must for spring 2013.
Dynamite jeggings $36.90 
- pastel is all the rage for spring and these jeggings from dynamite are a perfect match to go with the neutral peplum top I chose above.
Wilfred free érable sweater $85 from aritzia       
- for those of us dealing with the cold and frigid winter this sweater is adorable and cozy and can really be paired with anything. It comes in several colours, but I thought this colour combo was a great top layering piece for our outfit.

Fr21 earrings $1.80
- these bow earrings are just too adorable not to include in this outfit, noe explanation needed
Fr21 necklace $17.80
- being that the earrings are so simple a statement necklace is great for rhe neck line of this top. The necklace is not too bold and the colours match wirh the top and jeggings.
Fr21 Clutch $12.80
- you can never go wrong with a cute clutch and again it matches with our jeggings.
Aldo Cleminia nude pumps $41.99  
- for a night out to dinner or a work day these nude pumps would be perfect.
Biessel boot from Call it Spring $80
- if you're trekking through the snow or just the cold, I love these boots. They're warm and cozy and look great with the wilfred sweater.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and check back tomorrow for another outfit!!!



  1. The necklace is so beautiful. As well as the other items :D X

  2. Amazing blog, really nice post. stunning pics! I'm ur new follower.
    Don't forget to visit my blog too!

  3. Love the necklace!!! Baci Lucy www.tpinkcarpet.com


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