

Tag: What's in my makeup bag

Hello lovelies,

I don't know about you guys, but I am really nosey and I love seeing what is in other peoples purses and/or makeup bags. It is also a great way to discover new things that you would never have thought to carry with you. Last month I posted a What's in my purse blog and said I would also show you what is in my makeup bag, that I carry around with me everyday, so here we go...

-3 lipsticks from the Rimmel moisture renew collection
    -180 vintage rose
    -340 lily extase
    -600 soft coral
-Mac snob lipstick
-Mac lip gloss in wee coquette
-Urban decay mini lip junkie in naked
-Sugar lips lip balm in fresh
-A garage lip balm
-Revlon photo ready concealer in 001 fair
-2 bath & body works hand sanitizers
    -angel cookie
    -(I already finished this one before writing this and I don't remember the name, mistletoe something,  but it smelled like a fresh Christmas tree)
-Stila smudge stick eye liner in angelfish
-A compact mirror that belonged to my mom
-2 hair ties
-A makeup sponge
-A sample of vera wang princess perfume
-A sample of smashbox hyperlash mascara

What do you like to carry with you in your makeup bag?

I hope you all like this post and check back tomorrow for a really pretty jewelry display DIY



  1. Loved seeing what you carry in your makeup bag! I carry a ton of lip products too :)

    xo, alison*elle

    1. Thanks!
      Lips to me are the easiest and least messy way to change up your look, hence the array that floats around in my bag lol.

  2. Loved to see what you carry in your purse! We sue have the lipstick, lip gloss and the hand sanitizer in common!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours


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